Monday, November 06, 2006

High School

After doing a little MySpace surfing, I have concluded that I indeed went to high school with an enormous amount of white trash--people who marry their third cousin by age twenty, pop out a handful of hideous kids, and ultimately lead dull, stagnant lives. I'd rather have my eyes dug out with spoons than that mentality. (PS: That whole "I don't do crystal meth; I just look like this" aesthetic is not cute. I'm gone need them to stop that.)

Conversely, I did experience a moment of joy. I found the profile of a guy who graduated a year before me, and although none of my girl friends ever gave him a second thought, I always thought he was super cute. Well, I was right! He's fucking gorgeous now, having really grown into his "look." I feel like I have some sixth sense that detects pretty people before their bloom. Yay for me.

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