Monday, July 30, 2007

MySpace Survey Compilation

Describe a favorite memory from high school.
Working on homecoming floats. Of course, I did very little "work" and mostly flitted around, giving orders and getting the gossip.

Finish the analogy. Love is to sex as chocolate is to ___.
Strawberries: a pleasant addition, but not necessary to be enjoyable

What bumper stickers do you have on your car?
A Mac Apple sticker and "The University of Mississippi" across the back glass

What has been the worst hair style you've ever had?
Doing all-over platinum blonde at home

What is your favorite cake?
Italian Cream Cake

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
In Olivia's bed: asleep, snoring, and forcing her to sleep in the crack by the wall

What was your first thought when you woke up?
"I need an exorcism."

Name a favorite thing to do.
Listen to my granny tell stories about my family, especially when she's like, "Now, don't tell [insert name] I told you this, but..."

What is your favorite kind of soup?
Minestrone, potato, or tortilla

How often do you make your bed?
Only when leaving it unmade would make me look bad

What is your least favorite chore?
Mopping or dusting

Name something you can't live without.
ChapStick, my cell phone, sunglasses

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
Uh, depending on how much details work has to be done and how many people I have to share the mirror with...fifteen minutes to an hour and a half

What song are you tired of hearing?
"Believe" by Cher and that one from Rent about the seasons of love

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